Wuthering Waves får TGS-trailer
Kuro Game har under Tokyo Game Show 2022 släppt en 8 minuter lång speltrailer på sitt kommande Open World ARPG Wuthering Waves.
Här är en översiktstext på vad Wuthering Waves handlar om via TapTap:
Welcome to the new world, Rover.
This is an age of struggle. Since the Calament a hundred years ago, beings hitherto unknown have taken root in our world, sowing discord and destruction. Civilization as we know it once teetered on the brink of collapse.
This is an age of hope. Survivors have buried the hatchet with their kin and enemies and started to rebuild from the ruins. They find hope in the glories of the bygone days. They erect cities and factories. They sing the praises of restoration.
As for you, Rover from the beyond. Whatever might have led to your awakening, we welcome you to these troubled lands. Your journey here will cross with many others–and will be marked by mysteries and battles.
You shall go down as a legend, one that will bring rejuvenation to mankind.
Spelet kommer släppas till iOS och Android.