Spoiler! Gå inte in på den här nyheten om ni vill gå in blind på The Callisto Protocol
Det är nämligen så att hela listan med spelets alla trophys har läckt ut. Vill ni ha ett försprång eller som vissa har gjort, listat ut berättelsen på förhand genom att tolka alla trophys.
27 stycken är det och här nedan kommer dom.
It’s over, Jacob!
Collect all trophies
I Do Belong Here
Beat the game on any difficulty
You Need a Gun
Fully Upgrade One Weapon
The Protocol is About Life
Beat the game on Maximum Security difficulty
Grim Reaper
Harvest and read all implant bios
The Commonality
Uncover the mystery of Kallipolis
Get a Grip
Grab twenty-five enemies with the GRP
Take down a security robot
Two Heads Are Better Than One
Take down the two-head
In Striking Distance
Kill an enemy via GRP and a melee combo
Paper Jams
Print a weapon for the first time
Print a weapon upgrade
Giving Back
Stab five blind enemies in the back
Take a photo using photo mode
Float Like A Butterfly
Perfect dodge five times
Flesh Wound
Use melee or ranged weapons to take both arms off a living enemy
Chew ‘Em Up
Kill ten enemies with environmental hazards
Workplace Hazard
Use GRP to kill an enemy by throwing them into an environmental hazard
The Outer Way
Find the Outer Way boarding craft
Desperate Times
Elias gives Jacob a shiv
If the SHU Fits…
Activate the SHU
Without A Paddle
Survive the pipeslide
Crash Site
Return to the crashed ship
In the Pipe, Five by Five
Reach the Hangar flight deck
Power Up
Restore power to the old facility
What Lies Beneath
Find the source
Full Circle
Get thrown back into original cell